his confidence level dropped b'coz he wasn't playing.. he is used to playing a lot.. this affected the rest of his season/
I know how it feels when you see your fav. player not dictate ground strokes and dominate like you're used to seeing
this surely should tell you something about the determination of this player..
Nothing would please most that the Australian Open proved me to be totally wrong.
Since I've Been Loving You, I'm about to lose my worried mind.
I was able to stay focused throughout the match.
I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to take advantage of the temptation all around me.
I convinced myself
my real apology won't come to her in the form of words but in the form of my behaviour over months to come."
"As a human being everyone has faults, makes mistakes and sins. We all do. But, we move on when we make a mistake and learn from it. He will come out stronger, a better person."
amputation surgery in 1990 at Glasgow recommended myodesis as an important integral part of surgical procedure and should be carried out as much as possible. Muscle stabilization provides a stable functional amputation stump. This improves the prosthetic management and walking ability. A technique of myodesis for trans-femoral amputation has been developed in Dundee, especially for elderly dysvascular patients.
This is just another hurdle in my career.I have faced many obstacles before and I know what it takes to get back out there and on the top of my game
On the one hand, it's uncomfortable to have to concentrate on playing when you know there are people suffering. we will be bringing a little bit of happiness to all the people who have suffered so much in recent days."
The strength of this team is that there are a lot of top quality players who are committed
Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing!
You are STUPID because waste your time trying to show how smart you are.
As a matter of fact, you don't talk about tennis at all and concentrate all your time on responding to my comments with childish remarks.
Do you recognize these comments:
"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
They belong to Abraham Lincoln.
This one belongs to Muhammad Ali
"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything".
We wish you a quick and full recovery
He easily could be the winner of this match, and he would deserve it.
I want to maintain focus right up to the end and not have any mental breakdowns in the middle.
I am feeling confident, I am playing well
he is dedicated to tennis just to the level he wishes, he simply cannot be a slave to tennis.
I was pretty sure before the match that it is almost impossible to outpower Andy because he's moving really well and he puts everything back
I was putting a lot of pressure on her second serve. So I think that was the key, because I was able to break her quite a few times. And then it made everything easier for me.
Today was a bit disappointing, but it's still my best result in a tournament like this. I think there's a lot to build on.
tong should be glad that serena weight is above average for tennis because if she lost any weight no one would be able to beat her they`re all even have`n problems now lol.
A rest would do her some good
A lot has happened in my life over the past five months, and I'm here at the Masters to play and compete.And just really excited about doing that.
Lets hope his repentance is genuine. I think he cant afford another misdemeanor. What matters most for him now is the future with his family. If the wife thinks that, after all the mishaps, the marriage is still worth to hold on to, then the decision ensues.
can distort the mind of a person to make him look like a total idiot
We will have a look at it.
Posed nude for Cosmopolitan Magazine in July 2008 issue to raise awareness of male cancer for Everyman Campaign
I got into the game and didn't have any problems in going into rallies with him.
The pain may decrease as the day goes on. But with prolonged standing or walking, the pain can become dull and aching.
This is their first meeting since last year’s final here.
i hate this song...i hate it because there is nothing better.all other music i listen to now sounds like complete and utter crap now.it doesn't get better than this so i'm left with no desire to listen to anything other than his....
Fiat Yamaha team statement confirmed Rossi would nevertheless attempt to ride at the first test of the season at the Sepang circuit
I am really pleased
He is bidding to become the first Briton to win multiple titles
I had plenty of opportunities
How much time do I need to get there
How was I supposed to know who that man was
But overall it was a good week.
He plays at the highest level with ease and that is something you can't teach or train for. He has respect for his rivals. He is humble and down to earth. There is no other tennis player, ever, that is like him.
knee ligaments should be preserved or sacrificed
studies do not show any significant differences
relieve pain caused by severe arthritis
although gait appears to be less abnormal if ligaments are preserved
still is undergoing clinical investigation.
deferred from surgery.
consent for surgery
Patients must have good cardiopulmonary function to withstand anesthesia
meticulous attention to detail to prevent contamination
I don’t intend to do such thing,
how the band’s previous stay in Serbia went.
so devoid of emotional sight,
how ahead of everyone Björk is.
I've got a tough task ahead of me
how much I admire what he's been able to achieve in tennis
focus is obviously resting and preparing
such move is a step backwards
We are very concerned over possible changes
I am convinced
contrary to the purposes defined
their outstanding accomplishments
If I gave a date for his return I would probably be wrong
When you clean ‘your own home’ then you have the right to knock at somebody else’s door’
Despite his success, he isn’t asserting himself as a contender for the title.verbal feud and brief altercation with his Slovenian National Teammate Sasha Vujačić
he had to endure a torrent of abuse from fans.
She can't stand defeat with dignity
Good lesson to all women - never sacrifice your dreams for your man, you will never get the same commitment in return. Rad je sam po sebi nagrada!latinski: „Labor ipse voluptas!”engleski: „Labour is its own reward!““
(moto porodice Lavlejs)
He achieved the impossible.
I improved a lot last year and won a lot of matches, which gave me confidence and experience.
Responded in ruthless fashion and engineered a commanding 4-0 lead
I'm going to try to go out on the court and win whoever I have across the net.”
I'll be ready for whomever I play against.
He announced his irrevocable resignation.
Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. (Sigmund Freud)
Everything takes longer than you think. (Murphy's law)
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. (Oscar Wilde)
'I should be very silly
he could not withstand the temptation
he was very fond of his son
world that now held Envy, Crime, Hate, and Disease – and Hope.
he envied people who did not have to work on weekends
"Eppur si muove" (Ipak se okreće!),
If it turns out that
he often used to do in previous years regardless of decisions made by party bodies and that is the reason why he has been expelled
Jeremic wants to make a noise and confusion thus actually attempting to increase his own price
has not suffered any loss by expelling him
No confirmation or denial
Although I am biased to a certain way of hitting that works for me, there are many styles that can work for others
And I should have thought of that before I did you wrong,
music is supposed to be fun and enjoyable
We found it quite by chance seven days ago.
Who do you think will take the title?
permanently disables to do
The alleged incidents occurred Sunday during a party
I wouldn’t trade my life for anything.
It’s a toll you have to take
In the very near future, it will become an inevitable reality.
This is about living in a world where international borders are respected, where commercial airliners are not shot down.
how long have you been at sea
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